The sustainable development goals by United Nations include social, economic as well as environmental goals. The goals provide a powerful aspiration to improve our world. As business leaders, we are embracing them to strengthen our sustainability efforts. At Shiva Engineering Works, we are taking actions to achieve the sustainable goals through eradicating poverty, ensuring decent work and economic growth, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization while fostering innovation and ensuring responsible consumption and production.
- We believe that businesses have immense potential to reduce poverty in their capacity as employers. At Shiva Engineering Works, we ensure decent working conditions across the supply chain that includes fair wages, reasonable working hours, adequate health and safety measures for our employees and so on. We operate with integrity in order to promote a harmonious development of society.
- We strive to improve workplace practices beyond legal compliance to ensure high morale and job satisfaction of our employees. By embracing diversity and non-discriminatory practices, we focus at having greater access to skilled and productive talent in our team who can drive innovation and foster creativity.
- We follow coherent technical standards to develop sustainable, resilient and inclusive infrastructures and raise public awareness to address the key issues regarding sustainability.
- We try to imbibe the best practices across our supply chain through minimizing waste, reducing pollution and focussing on energy efficiency to improve our sustainability performance.